- Aims:
- To investigate the rate of unknown diabetes and related risk markers among adult population in Bangladesh.
- To evaluate the level of knowledge about diabetes in Bangladeshi people.
- Collaboration: A joint collaboration of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh and Non-Communicable Disease Control Program, DG Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
- Funding: NovoNordisk, Abbott International and Incepta Pharma Bangladesh.
- Project duration: 4 months (November 2018 – February 2019)
- Total screening: 100,000
- Study sites: Apart from 102 centers/hospitals of the BADAS and its Affiliate Associations around the country, this programme carried out in 800 spots of 400 thanas around the country.
- Key points:
- According to the preliminary findings, the rate of DM is 25.6%, and the rate of good knowledge about DM is only 38.8%.
Nationwide Free Diabetes Screening