Nationwide Electronic Registry of Patients through BADAS

  • The objectives of the Nationwide Electronic Patient Record through BADAS Centres are: 
  1. Enrol all patients into an electronic patient record (software) 
  2. Establish a uniform Patient Data Form that may used in all BADAS Institutions, Enterprises and Affiliated Associations.
  3. Establish a uniform Patient Identity Code.
  4. Determine the Diabetes Status of the patients
  5. Maintain the following patient data:
  • Demographic and socio-economic status
  • Medical/Clinical Data
  • Medical Conditions (if any)
  • Medication Behaviour
    1. Oral 
    2. Injectables
  1. Report and publish patient medical data accumulated through the Electronic Patient Record. 
  2. To accumulate head count and medical data of Diabetic Patients under the medical care and service of BADAS Centres.
  • Primarily the Electronic Registry will be implemented among BADAS institutions and AAs, further extended to Accredited Physicians. BADAS will also encourage the physicians of health professional’s network for registering their patients in National registry for Diabetics in future. 
  • A 3-year plan will be undertaken to gradually involve all BADAS Centres.

Project Chairman – Prof A K Azad Khan, President BADAS 

Chair, Advisory Committee – Md Sayef Uddin, Secretary General BADAS 

Co-Chair, Advisory Committee – Prof Hajera Mahtab, Professor Emeritus, BIHS, BADAS

Steering Committee 

  • Chair – Prof. Faruque Pathan, Head, Department of Endocrinology, BIRDEM  
  • Co-Chairman – Dr. M.A Samad, CEO National HealthCare Network


  1. Prof. Tofail Ahmed, Coordinator DLP
  2. Mr. Biswajit Mazumder, Director Finance & Accounts, BADAS
  3. Dr. Bishwajit Bhowmik, Coordinator, Center for Global Health Research
  4. Dr. Faria Afsana, Assistant Professor, Department of Endocrinology, BIRDEM 
  5. Dr. Tareen Ahmed, Deputy Director, Department of Health Education, BIRDEM
  6. Farook Azam Khan; Senior Advisor, CTHealth Ltd 
  7. Sukanta Das; Project Manager Novo Nordisk Pvt Ltd

Funding Agency (for 1st 3yrs): Novo Nordisk Pharma (Pvt) Ltd. 


  • Manpower selection and training- completed
  • Software development and upgradation- completed
  • Wi-Fi router installation – 52 centers 
  • Registration started – 26 centers in Dhaka